By Peiying Peng & Liz Zed
What has to be different in order for You to feel successful? Have you defined ‘successful’? Ever think about what a difference a definition of success can make?
Let’s imagine a person who’s just making ends meet with $75,000 annual salary in a job that doesn’t excite or inspire. A definition of success might be an annual salary of $200,000. The point is that the definition of success is raising the bar on what we’re currently achieving in a way that may seem overly challenging or never enough. Someone with an annual income of $1M & sets the bar of success at several $Ms. Both may seem ludicruous to the one making $30k annually.
How can we make our definition of success more compatible with getting Immediate results Every day?
How’s life different feeling successful every day?
What will your easily achievable definition of success be for today?